Engaging the Unengaged with AI

How to reach your hardest to reach members

Engaging meaningfully with members leads to increased satisfaction, higher retention, better quality and plan performance as well as improved health outcomes. However, traditional approaches to engaging members can be inefficient, costly, and in some cases, cause abrasion. N1 Health leverages the tech industry’s best practices in an AI-enhanced approach, using agile methodologies and member-first design to analyze your population and deliver actionable insights quickly. This means that health plans can start reaching members sooner, quickly improving health outcomes and engagement.

We recently co-presented with Traci Massie, Sr. Director of Community and Market Development/ SDOH and Member Outreach for Sentara Health Plans, on an ACAP-hosted webinar to discuss how we drove improved member engagement and completed preventive visits for their Medicaid population. Below are Traci’s quotes and key highlights from the discussion:

N1 Health Exchanges Data Quickly

“I can’t wait weeks to get that information back to then reach out to member to try to address their need. I need it as quick as possible. N1 Health is able to turn information around in less than a day many times. I told them they had at least two business days and they are beating that by miles and that’s not an exaggeration. They turn it around extremely quickly, which then allows my team to act on it.”

Our AI technology has paved the way for faster and more efficient data transfer and analysis. By leveraging cloud-native technologies, we intake new data from the health plan and analyze this data in record time to understand the unique insights and challenges for each population. Our predictive models help health plans to efficiently identify at-risk individuals and take action to engage members and improve their overall health.

N1 Health Helps Action SDOH Data

“No one wants to raise their hand and say I’m homeless or I don’t have enough food to last me through the month, but by already knowing they are in a food dessert or an area where transportation is difficult … the outreach rep may be able to start conversation differently and say ”I know you are in an area where transportation can be difficult. Are you experiencing that? Did you know that you have a transportation benefit where you can get a ride, we can arrange that for you. would you like me to schedule that? We can also get your doctor on the phone and we can schedule the visit. The engagement grows from there and you start to build the trust, but it all came from those AI insights that were provided by N1 Health.”

Social determinants of health are the social, economic, and environmental factors that affect an individual’s health and wellbeing. Access to healthy food, housing, education, and employment are all examples of SDOH. N1 Health has developed tools to help identify and address these factors, with the goal of improving health equity and reducing health disparities.

Leveraging the power of data-driven insights, health plans can prioritize outreach resources, align existing benefits to personalized cohorts, and tailor member engagement strategies to drive positive health outcomes.

N1 Health’s approach produces meaningful results

“Based on the AI itself, I can attribute a 10% lift (to completed well child visits) and reach rate has increased by 18% so there is a true return of investment.”

Our approach is driven by a purpose: better health outcomes for every individual. By combining cutting-edge AI technology with a human-first mindset, we blend the precision and speed of our services to deliver personalized outreach at scale. N1 Health is committed to leveraging AI for better outcomes and better health for every one.

Why We Rebranded as N1 Health

By Seth Henry, CEO of N1 Health

Our team made the decision to rename our company. In the short-term this involves quite a bit of non-customer facing work, which goes against our culture of aligning our team and work directly with customer outcomes that provide better care, better access and better experience to patients/members. However, in this case, we felt that the name change was important to clarify our mission in the marketplace and thereby help our current and future customers continue to innovate, evolve, and optimize the way they engage members in providing health care.

The founding vision of the company was the idea that the health care ecosystem would benefit from using modern AI methods, big data and agile practices to understand patients/members and predict how they wanted to engage and receive care. We believed that this would lead to more proactive and pre-emptive services being delivered more efficiently. This was a speculative venture, at the time, based primarily in the proven use cases for “digital” tech in other industries. Thankfully, we were able to find visionary, early adopter customers/partners who shared our vision and we were able to test theory in the “real world.” 

What we have learned working with our customers is that individual people, households and communities/neighborhoods will interact with the health care system in very different ways.  Today, we use more than 2500 data elements across our AI model library to generate predictions around how members will engage with the health system to receive care. The results are compelling. We are able to raise the engagement rate for unengaged members by an order of magnitude over non-predictive approaches. Once members are engaged, we see significant moves in core measures of quality. Primary care adherence increases, ED usage decreases and engagement persists. 

We did not know when we set out on this venture just how powerful social predictions would be in improving the way members interact with the health system. Our original name, Algorex Health technologies, was based on our confidence that AI algorithms would have great value to the health care system. While we still believe this to be true, it is quite broad, and we believe that what is unique and special is the application of this technology is to meet individual members on their own terms providing better care. Or said another way, delivering care for a population of 1, or an N of 1. In discussions with key partners who have been executing this vision with us, and expanding the applications rapidly into their organizations, we agreed that this new name would be more effective in explaining and expanding the benefits of this approach to providing better care.

We at N1 Health are extremely grateful to all the customers, partners and advisors who made this possible and look forward to continuing the journey.